The reasons why you might want to mask your IP address may include: To hide your geographical location, prevent Web tracking, avoid a digital footprint, or bypass any content filters, bans, or blacklists. You’re masking your real IP address with a borrowed one. Hiding your IP address is basically borrowing a different IP address to go anywhere on the internet and stay hidden. The link we provided before on IP address basics (to an article called, VPN 101) is something you should check out. Obviously, you got to this page for a reason, which is that you’ve heard a few things about IP addresses, and you may be confused.

Hide IP explained: It’s not as complex as it might sound We’ve reviewed dozens of VPNs and highly recommend one of these top-rated providers: There are various ways to hide your IP address and your identity, which we’ll cover in a second, but by far the easiest and safest way is with a virtual private network or VPN.